Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bordon Hampshire Eco-Town

Under construction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a load of rubbish. This is just another way for the local council to make more money out of us. Yes we do need a cleaner better town, with shops and jobs. But please, the people of bordon are not stupid. We all no that this is going to take years and thats if it happens at all, The army may stay in bordon, the govermant may change. Can you also look at how bordon looks now. Its a dump, one reason for this is council housing. All the house are run down and not looked after, so whats saying that the 40% of housing that going to be local council wont go the same way. Money Money Money thats all the council sees. And if that not ture one of the things the council is already looking at doing is building on louisburg and out onto the areas. This is not mentioned in the plans for the new green town. trust me alot of normal small bordon house can be built on that area lots.